STP – Systematic Transfer Plan

The new financial year has begun and it’s the appraisal time of the year. A lucky few will also get their bonuses. The common question here is what to do with all this Dhana Laabh. How to invest this money in the current scenario? The mutual fund industry has come up with a solution

Are fixed deposits always safe?

All investments are typecast to have specific characteristics. People don’t tend to think beyond those characteristics before putting their money in them. For example, FDs are safe and steady investments, the share market is a “high-risk high reward” investment, gold is a solid investment, and so on. While generally speaking these typecasts are not

How to write a cheque?

Have you ever written a cheque? As our country moves towards digitalization, people have become more comfortable with net banking, UPI, and e-wallets than writing a cheque. Still there are instances where the payment may be a large amount or the other party does not accept an online transfer of funds. In such cases,


When you open a bank account, you come across a field in the application form to fill in your nomination. You generally add your parent’s, spouse’s or children’s names as nominees. Many times, it is left blank. The nomination field is also in other investments such as mutual funds and fixed deposit (FD) etc.

Equity Mutual Funds

Equity investments Buying shares is a risky investment. There are over 6800 companies listed on the Indian stock exchanges. For a layman, choosing the right stock from such a big pool is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. We have heard of people who bought shares with their life savings, without

Investment or consumption?

What is investment? “Investment is laying out money now to make more money back in the future.” Warren Buffet “Investing” means using your money to buy an something in the hopes that you will get back more money by selling it in the future or by receiving a regular income from it. Examples of

Sovereign Gold Bonds

We, as a country have a great affinity towards gold. We buy gold during occasions and as an investment. If you plan to invest in gold, there is a better alternative to physical gold in the form of Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB). What are Sovereign Gold Bonds? Reserve Bank of India issues sovereign gold

10 mistakes to avoid while investing

They say, “Money cannot buy you happiness.” but it can surely buy almost everything else. We work hard to earn money. Investing is a way to make money work for itself! There are various investment options in the market. That also means there is a high probability of making the wrong investment. In this

Are liquid funds a solid investment?

What are liquid funds? Liquid funds are a part of debt mutual fund schemes. These funds invest in short-term instruments such as certificates of deposit (CD), commercial papers (CP), treasury bills, etc. Their most important attribute is that you can encash them at any point in time. Hence, they are called money market funds.

Long term investment

Long term in the financial world is more than three years. This means long term investments are the amounts invested in a single financial instrument for more than three years. As a part of financial planning, you list down and analyze your financial goals. The duration of your investments is planned as per the